Don’t Wait For A Crisis

I read today that sales of Bibles rose during the coronavirus.  Seems a global pandemic spiked questions that couldn’t be answered by people.  Understandable. We

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The Interview

What if the only way into Heaven was through an interview process after you die?  You have three interviews…one with Jesus, one with the Holy

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10 Pound Closet

I have a 10-pound closet. I can go 10 pounds lighter and 10 pounds heavier and I have clothes to wear either direction, but right

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Getting Through

Fall is here.  There’s a pile of pumpkins and hay bales in preparation for our Employee Fall Festival at the office. If I was always

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Unwanted Guests

My hubby Layne and I live in a hollow in Tennessee in an old log home dating back to the 1800’s.  It’s been updated, so

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