Your son is coming home from Thanksgiving for college. He has a new roommate from another country. This young man has no place to go for Thanksgiving and your son asks if he could come home with him. Of course, you say yes, but how do you act? You are gracious to his face, but do you complain that you don’t just have your son to yourself? Do you grumble about the extra mouth to feed? Are you judgmental of his culture? Maybe you’re suspicious of his closeness to your son…what could he really be wanting from our family? That’s just your ego…the enemy in your ear whispering condemnation.

Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be

Abraham Lincoln

Your husband drives a lot in his line of work. On the road 6 days a week running sales calls. He has a cell phone and calls every night on his way home. But this particular night it’s been raining and getting colder by the minute. You can see the reports on the news that the bridges and overpasses are icing up. You try to call your hubby to make sure he’s o.k. but the phone goes straight to voicemail. Where does your mind go? Does it go straight to the fact that he’s in ditch somewhere? Is it worse than that? Do you have his pallbearers all picked out? Our mind is so powerful. When your husband finally gets reception and calls you all those negative thoughts immediately vanish. But why did your mind go there in the first place? It’s a weakness the enemy recognizes…your love for your husband. Your worries and fears are exaggerated by the enemy. As much as you want to be encouraged and hopeful, the enemy knows you’re worried and fearful and the longer you don’t hear from your husband the more the enemy will work on your fears. It’s a mind game that plays on your love for your husband. Recognize it for what it is,

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

How do you “renew your mind”? Simple definition of renew – to make (something) new, fresh, or strong again: to make (a promise, vow, etc.) again: to begin (something) again especially with more force or enthusiasm. It’s a process…not a single event. It’s a constant choice to refuse to listen to the whisper of the enemy and instead to focus on God. Be intentional about your mind and what you put in it. It’s like the nutritionist says, “Garbage in garbage out.” Nourish your mind with positive thoughts, words and music.

“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

But how do you block out this world? The bad news is everywhere…the internet, tv, radio. Unless you lock yourself away in a cave, you’re going to have to deal with negative media. That’s why it’s so incredibly important to fill yourself with positive. With technology comes immediate knowledge of the bad news…it pings your phone; interrupting your concentration and distracting you from your routine. Have you ever noticed that the interruptions are never positive? Breaking into your day to tell you that you look fabulous today?…to tell you God loves you?…how about to tell you your drive home will be smooth sailing with no congestion or accidents to detain your trip? Nope, instead you’ll get…teen killed in shooting…homes damaged after last night’s storms…two in hospital after car hits tree. You’re not going to avoid it, so you have to be proactive to defend your mind against the negative. Train it to see God working in the midst of this world. Give it a daily work out by starting it off with what God says about you and make a resolution to set your mind on Him.

God’s Spirit in me is greater than any other spirit in the world. He enables me to live a victorious life. 1 John 4:4

More than anything else I try to guard my heart because it determines how I live life. Proverbs 4:23

I set my heart and mind on things above, not earthly things. This gives me peace. Colossians 3:1-2

Living to hear six means you actively resist wrong thoughts. Abraham Lincoln said, The Holy Spirit will remind you when you’re not thinking right. Listen to Him…He will help you before you get into trouble. Bad thoughts will come into your mind. Negative, suspicious, fearful thoughts. Resist them. “Resist the devil and he will flee” James 4:7 Listen for the voice of Jesus.