Rubber Band Bracelet



“Well done good and faithful servant.” Make a statement and start a conversation with this simple rubber band bracelet! Inside of the bracelet is embossed “because it’s not about me”. Living To Hear Six means you’re living your life to hear the six words, “Well done good and faithful servant.” This bracelet is a perfect conversation starter about Jesus. When someone asks you, “What does that mean?”, it gives you the opportunity to tell them who Jesus is and why you believe in Him. Most people are seeking more than what this life is offering but religion and judgmental “religious” people have put many people off from seeking Jesus. Start a loving conversation…not preachy or judgmental. Plant a seed that God will water. Wear your bracelet as a reminder that this world is not about you. The ultimate accolade will be to hear those six words from our Heavenly Father when we finally meet face to face.

Inside dimension 7 3/4″
Outside dimension 8″
Height 1/2″
Quantity discounts available. Contact us for details.