Read Our Stories

What is Your Porpoise?

I wear my Living To Hear Six rubber band bracelet every day. Inside the bracelet it says, “Because it’s not about me.”  I need a reminder that this life is not about me.  Not about what I’ve accomplished, it’s about how well I’ve pointed to Jesus.  By my love, my kindness, my words, my caring, my forgiveness.  It’s not a scorecard.  It’s a Hallmark card.  I want my card to be sweet with a lot of humor.  One that most likely makes you roll your eyes.  Like this story on kindness, I found online when I was researching todays blog:

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What Are You Focusing On?

There’s a bird this morning that’s trying it’s best to come inside my house.  I think it sees its own reflection in the window and wants to spend more time with that beautiful bird it sees.  Unfortunately, it’s himself.  So, he flies up and down the window trying to get closer to what he thinks is another bird.  He’ll stop for a minute and sing to his reflection and then try to meet up again.  It’s a beautiful song but for nobody but himself.  How much time have you spent on something that simply isn’t going anywhere? Is this really

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What Season Are You In?

What Season Are You In? I saw a birthday card today. The outside of the card read, “As we get older, we lose our youth but gain invaluable insight and wisdom.  The inside read, “Lousy trade if you ask me!!”  Of course, I bought it!  It’s the perfect birthday card!  It’s hilariously and ironically true and as I move from the summer to the fall of my life this card is more and more appropriate!  They say, “Hindsight is 20/20” but without the ability to live our mistakes and walk through the “valleys”, we would never have the insight and

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Spring Is Here – Rejoice

It’s a beautiful spring day.  The buttercups are blooming, and the tulips are a good 5 inches out of the ground.  I spent yesterday afternoon planting Azalea and Rhododendron bushes around the front yard.  I want some color around this old log home next spring.  I love spring.  I think it’s my favorite time of year. All the life comes back to the trees and people in general seem to have a brighter outlook.  What a joyful experience the disciples had when they saw the tomb was rolled away and Jesus was no longer dead but alive.  It’s Spring.  A

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It’s a Good Prank 

Every April fools day our son put a rubber band around the sprayer at the kitchen sink.  As soon as someone unexpectedly turns on the water faucet, they get sprayed with water from the sprayer.  It’s a good prank.  Harmless in the most part and even if you’re dressed for work…it’s just water.  It took me 3 years to catch on that this was his yearly prank on April Fools Day.  (probably says something about who the real “fool” is)  Our son has been out of the house for many years now but I’m told the people at his office

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Tell Your Story

If you would like to tell your story, you can send it to us here and we will review your story, get in touch with you about it, and add it here so others can see how you are living your life to hear those six words “Well done good and faithful servant.”