Read Our Stories

Can I Be Done Now?

When our oldest daughter was about 3, she learned the phrase, “Can I be done now?” It was pulled out every time she was NOT interested in finishing something…especially any food she didn’t like eating. At the table with Brussel sprouts on her plate she would ask us, “Can I be done now?” If we were in church and I told her we would go for lunch when we’re done she’d ask me in the middle of the sermon, “Can I be done now?” Every time she was put in “time out” it wasn’t a minute before I’d hear, “Can

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Mom Arms

There is nothing better in life than hugging a kid. I love it. Mostly I love hugging my own kids, but I’ll hug any kid. Maybe it’s just the “mom” in me, but I love it. And when I hug, I want a hug back. Now I’m not talking about some weak-armed lean into you, wimpy hug. I want a proper two-arm wrapped around me squeezin’ hug back from you (ask my nephews) if I don’t get a proper hug back, I’m gonna wrap your arms around me and show you how to hug me back. (Eventually, after a time or two

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It’s Not Complicated

What happens when the Dr. tells you, “We don’t know if it’s cancerous unless we remove the mass. We need to do the surgery right away.” Everything was fine in your life until last week. Right after trimming trees on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the pain started. You thought it was just your back from all the yard work, but you had no strength. Trying to fend it off with Ibuprophen, you ignored it for a couple days but you kept getting weaker, Then your stomach got distended and you couldn’t eat without it coming right back out of you

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If you would like to tell your story, you can send it to us here and we will review your story, get in touch with you about it, and add it here so others can see how you are living your life to hear those six words “Well done good and faithful servant.”