I have a 10-pound closet. I can go 10 pounds lighter and 10 pounds heavier and I have clothes to wear either direction, but right now my pants are tight on the heavier side of the scale.  I blame Covid 15. (it’s the extra 15 pounds you gain by not being as active as you were “pre-Covid”.) If only I could eat whatever I want and stay the same weight forever.  Sadly, it’s time to change some bad habits and start shedding the extra weight.  Mostly because I refuse to have a 15-pound closet!

What are you up for changing?  A habit? Attitude? Job? City? Thankfully no matter what changes we make by necessity or by force, our God ALWAYS stays the same!  I pray your changes lead to better health, happiness and prosperity.

Hebrews 13:8  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”