She really hurt me. Although there was no physical pain, I could feel the knife in my back as palpably as if it was real. Why? Why would someone betray my friendship so effortlessly, so heartlessly?

Trust is fragile. We have the misconception that the longer we feel we know someone the stronger we can trust them. This is false thinking. Betrayal can happen any instant. No, I’m not saying don’t trust anyone. I’m saying fall deeply. Trust extremely. Open yourself up to the vulnerability of betrayal. It’s in that sweet spot that faith blooms. Won’t this open you up to people hurting you? Sure. I promise, you will get hurt, but you will also heal, and with time you will trust deeply again. It’s a cycle of life in a fallen world that will never end until Jesus comes back. Your option is to never trust or to always have your guard up but living like that only keeps you from being honest with others and yourself. It holds you back from being your best, authentic self.

Jesus knew Judas was going to betray him. He knew the whole story before he even asked him to follow him as a disciple. He allowed him into the core group…one of the 12. Why did Jesus do this knowing the outcome? There’s nothing in the bible that says Jesus had his guard up around Judas. Nothing that says Jesus wasn’t fully engaged and accepting of him. Jesus wasn’t vulnerable. To be vulnerable means you’re defenseless, exposed, weak. Jesus wasn’t any of these things. Instead, Jesus was loving. He cared for everyone, allowing everyone in and holding them dear; no matter the cost. Look at his disciple Peter. One of Jesus’ closest friends. But Peter denied he even knew Jesus and Jesus knew all about it before he even called him as his disciple. Thomas was a doubter. It had to be disappointing to Jesus that the only way he believed was to stand in front of him as the resurrected Christ and have him put his finger in the holes in his hands. Yet Jesus still called these individuals. Knowing what he knew, he still chose them.

If Jesus can still see the best in people who are obviously going to betray him, why can’t we open ourselves up to trusting others, too? Jesus not only trusted, he knew the need for forgiveness and preached it often.

Jesus knew the only way to true healing after being hurt was to forgive. It’s the cure. It’s the only medicine that precipitates the healing for that deep wound in your soul. If you share it with the person that hurt you, it just might precipitate some healing in their soul, too.

Who knows why people choose to hurt people? It’s said hurt people hurt people but when then will it ever end? That sounds like a doom loop continuously hurting others.

At some point the cycle of hurting others has to be broken and the forgiveness and healing must take the place of the doom loop.

Living To Hear Six people trust. They trust themselves, others (even though there could be Judas in the midst), and especially Jesus. They live transparent, authentic lives and are easy to forgive. They keep their soul healthy so they can minister to the sick around them.