I just spent a few days with a friend that moved to Myrtle Beach.  She lives in a beautiful community that has a lovely walkway through a manicured park with a pond.  We walked her dog Winston one evening when it was getting dark.  Stopping at the pond she said, “Do you see the swan at the back of the pond?” I looked but didn’t see anything.  She started talking to the swan. I strained my eyes and kept trying to see the imaginary swan, but nothing.  I didn’t see it.  It didn’t stop her from talking to it though.  After a few minutes I was truly questioning my friends’ mental capacity.  Smiling at her I had to say, “I just don’t see your swan.”  She pointed to it again at the back of the pond and I just had to shake my head and say, “I’m sorry…there’s no swan there.”

The next morning, we walked Winston through the park again and there right next to the bank was the swan.  What I was looking for in the dark the night before was a WHITE swan but what she had pointed to was a BLACK swan.  It’s no wonder I didn’t see her swan the night before…I was looking for a completely different swan!  Now I have more confidence in my friends’ mental capacity than I do in my own!

How many times have you missed a blessing because you were just looking for something else entirely?  Think outside of the box…you just might find a black swan through the darkness.