My husband and I have been in the home improvement business for over 40 years.  We’ve done everything from changing out a doorknob to multi-million-dollar contracts.  I read a long time ago that “Life is a do-it-yourself project”.  I completely disagree.  There is nothing in this life that is to be done “yourself”.  God has placed himself around every aspect of your life.  He is before you, behind you, around you and within you.  There is nothing you can do or say to push him away. Accept the help and don’t try to “do-it-yourself”.  Besides, it always helps having a friend working alongside you, right?  You still get to pick the music on Pandora to work to ALL BY YOURSELF! **wink**

“And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”.

Matthew 28:20 NIV