I read today that sales of Bibles rose during the coronavirus.  Seems a global pandemic spiked questions that couldn’t be answered by people.  Understandable. We all need encouragement, strength, and peace.  Do you have a Bible? I’ve had several Bibles over the years.  Several different versions: study Bibles, reference Bibles, commentary Bibles, even note-taking Bibles.  I’m one that highlights scripture, underlines, and takes notes in my Bible.  When I see someone has a spiritual crisis or I know they don’t have a Bible of their own, I give my Bible to them in hopes that the area’s I’ve highlighted for myself will be a comfort to their soul.  Then I start with a new Bible again.  I’m sure if I could find the first Bible I gave away it would have many of the same scriptures highlighted but also have many other scriptures that I hadn’t.  I’m in a different season of life than I used to be.  But no matter what season my life is in, this book is nourishment to my soul.  So…pick a version, any version and dive in; and if you already have one, pick one up for a gift…Christmas is coming.  What better gift than the gift of Jesus to someone?

Get excited about reading and studying the Bible.  God has so much to tell you through His book.  He will encourage, enlighten, and nourish your soul.   I pray you find strength, courage, and peace when you read God’s word for you.