Yes, I’ve read the Ten Commandments.  Can’t say I can tell you all ten by heart.  But this morning I sat down to spend time with Jesus and turned to grab my Bible and a huge red wasp was sitting on it.  Instinctively I grabbed a note pad and squished it between my note pad and Bible.  Now I have a dead wasp sitting on top of my Bible that has the writing from God himself saying, “Thou shalt not kill.”  Guilt?  Maybe a little bit.  Thank goodness for Grace.  That unmerited favor that we receive because we’re God’s children.  It’s the “I love you even though…”(fill in the blank) clause God’s gifted us with once we receive Jesus as our Savior.  My Bible may always have the stain on it from the wasp’s death sentence, but I can live free from condemnation because of God’s Amazing Grace!!

What do you feel guilty about?  Take it to Jesus.

For it is by grace you’ve been saved through faith-and this is not from yourselves it is a gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8