I was listening to a debate on whether God existed, and the atheist exclaimed, “Tonight when I’m watching TV, God can bring a bolt of lightning into my living room and then I’ll believe in him.”

God’s children…we’re a stubborn bunch. So stubborn in fact that I wonder if that bolt of lightning would still convince that speaker? I’m afraid some will still miss out no matter what you say to them. Some really want to believe but are afraid to say anything for fear of rejection. Then, some of us believe with our whole hearts without needing any proof at all.

When Jesus walked on the earth it was the same way. Some refused to believe. Some were afraid to believe and some immediately believed. Even Jesus’s own disciple Thomas doubted Jesus came back from the dead until Jesus told him, “Place your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20:27)

Short of asking Jesus to stand in front of you like Thomas, I have no magic wand that will make you become a believer and maybe that’s the point. In the garden when God first created Adam and Eve, He created us with free will. The will to choose right from wrong. Happiness from misery. Is your soul happy with the choices you’ve made?

When my kids were little, I remember making Liver and Onions one night for supper. I told our oldest daughter it was wonderful new steak and she loved it. Loved it enough to have seconds. Later that night we confessed to her that it was liver, and she immediately decided to hate it. It didn’t change the fact that her body was still digesting two helpings of liver or not…her mind told her it was awful.

How much of our decisions to love or hate something, to reject or accept Jesus, are created by culture and societies influences? If Nikki had been influenced that liver was better than steak would she still think it was wonderful? It wasn’t a problem when she ate it, but it was sure a problem after she knew it was liver.

I think Jesus is like liver and onions. I can tell you He’s wonderful and when we’re together you really do believe. You are fully “all in”. Then when someone else tells you He’s awful, you’re afraid to disagree…. but in your soul you know the truth. That Jesus is wonderful.

The hard part is in taking the stand to admit to others that you really do believe in Jesus. Despite the consequences. You know that feeling deep down that tells you Jesus is real? It’s stronger than you think it is. When you stand on faith, Jesus will give you the Holy Spirit and He will give you the strength and the words to defend your decision to believe in Him. Your belief and faith must be stronger than your fear. When that happens, you’ll be able to admit you love Jesus and you won’t need the miracle to prove it.

Living To Hear Six means you’re open to buying lunch for someone. Share this wonderful meal of Jesus’ salvation and remind them that when they leave the table they will be told by others that the meal wasn’t good…. but in their soul they know the truth. Just hold on to that feeling of true satisfaction and invite others to the table. This diner is open 24/7.