What happens when the Dr. tells you, “We don’t know if it’s cancerous unless we remove the mass. We need to do the surgery right away.”

Everything was fine in your life until last week. Right after trimming trees on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the pain started. You thought it was just your back from all the yard work, but you had no strength. Trying to fend it off with Ibuprophen, you ignored it for a couple days but you kept getting weaker, Then your stomach got distended and you couldn’t eat without it coming right back out of you and the weakness in your body got worse. Your spouse scheduled a Dr’s appointment for the next morning and the Dr. scheduled a CT scan for the following Monday. You didn’t get home from the CT scan when you got the call from your Dr. telling you to turn around the car and come in. The 2-centimeter mass they found in your intestine was the cause, but they wouldn’t know more without removing it. Surgery was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.

All you could think of was, “I was fine two weeks ago. How did this happen? Why me? I have so much to do right now, I don’t have time for this. I’m scared.” Your spouse thought, “What is this? Will he be o.k.? How can this happen? We have so much to do right now. I’m scared.”

This is the moment. The moment when you decide….do I trust God? That’s a hard question. Because the outcome might not be what you want. You have no control and you won’t gain control of this situation; at least not immediately. Do you trust God? It’s not a complicated question but it’s a profoundly important question to ask yourself. It’s the difference between peace in the eye of the hurricane and chaos in the middle of the storm. Either way, you still have to live through the storm, but your choice will determine HOW you live through the storm.

The internet isn’t going to give you the outcome of this situation. If anything, you’ll be more likely to think the worst after researching the web. What you need is peace in your soul. You won’t find it on the web and no one can give it to you but Jesus. You have to choose to seek Jesus. You have to choose Hope. You have to choose to trust. No matter the outcome. The only peace you’ll find is from your knees. Pray. Center your thoughts on Jesus and go into surgery confident that your Father has everything taken care of…no matter the outcome.

God tells me, “It’s not complicated, either you trust me, or you don’t.” He can be blunt like that, but I know He’s right. I know there’s no reason for my worrying, my fears, and my doubts but my mind goes there so quickly. When I center my mind on Jesus, the calm enters my spirit.

Living to Hear Six is a reminder that, “It’s not complicated, either you trust God, or you don’t.” Remind others that true peace comes from your Father in Heaven above and you only find it when you hit your knees.