Living a life of imperfection in pursuit of hearing the six words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

“What a load of hogwash!”  “You really think you’ll hear those six words someday?”  “You’re kidding yourself…but have at it Chump!”  This is what my negative mind tells me daily.  It’s unachievable.  You’re too flawed to expect anything more than a “Gallant effort gal, but you missed the mark by a LONG shot!”

But then my heart tells me…” You’ve got this.” “God hasn’t given up on you so don’t give up on yourself.” “Remember how the Bible is filled with imperfect people who messed up over and over and still found favor with God?”  “You can’t possibly screw up more then they did.”

So…I wake up, brush my teeth and hair and slap enough make up on to cover the ever-increasing wrinkles that seem to multiply overnight and start my day.  Coffee…. YES Please!  My husband of almost 40 years brings me a cup of coffee every morning in a cup that says, “Good Morning Love”.  He tells me (often) that he probably should have bought the cup that says, “Good Morning Grumpy”.

I’ve lived through raising three pretty terrific kids and own a couple businesses, so I feel pretty confident in saying I’ve messed up plenty over the years and still ended up with some great results in spite of myself.  Maybe I should have the badge that says, “She just doesn’t know when to quit.”  But the truth is at the end of the day I’m not sure much has really been accomplished to meet this ultimate goal I have which is hearing those six words when I reach Heaven.

This blog is my weekly look at life though the eyes of someone who desperately wants to please her Lord while bumping heads with a world that tells me my life should be all about me instead.  If nothing else, I can see God telling me, “Well, you did give me a good laugh along the way.”

Thanks for following me on this journey.