Seven months ago I started a daily devotion by Beth Moore called Jesus 90 days with The One and Only.  (I’m pretty sure you know where this is going!) Today I’m reading day 31.  Anyone feel me?  I’m great out of the gate but by the middle of the race I’ve decided to go out to lunch and get back to the race again after I’ve eaten and rested a while.  It’s obvious that I’m not alone in this problem….used book stores and thrift shops are full of Bible studies that have the first session filled out and the rest blank.

Yes, the struggle is real. The struggle is between me and what I choose to spend my time on each day.  I just went to a conference and one of the speakers was Gary Nieuwhof.  He has a new book called At Your Best.  He made a comment at the conference that was a pivotal moment for me.  He said, “Don’t say, “I don’t have the time”.  Instead start admitting you didn’t MAKE the time.” Ouch!  That stung me in my soul.  I’ve let others decide how I spend my time and forgot I was in control…not them!

Now, I’ve committed to marking time out of my calendar for God, for me and for my family.  I’m more conscience of what wastes my time each day and do my best to avoid what I can, so my time is used wisely.  I’m thankful God reminded me that I am responsible for my time!

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12 ESV