Read Our Stories

Grandmas Afghan

I grew up with a grandma who crocheted.  We each had Afghans gifted to us.  The colors of the yarn were handpicked, and the patterns were all unique. Each of us kids got a gift that took hours of labor and love.  So, at night when I’m cold I throw my Afghan over me and wrap it around my legs.  I remember her sitting in her tan living room swivel chair with the multiple colors of yarn around her, helping her unravel a new bundle of colorful yarn and wrapping it into a ball so it was easier for her

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Yes, I’ve read the Ten Commandments.  Can’t say I can tell you all ten by heart.  But this morning I sat down to spend time with Jesus and turned to grab my Bible and a huge red wasp was sitting on it.  Instinctively I grabbed a note pad and squished it between my note pad and Bible.  Now I have a dead wasp sitting on top of my Bible that has the writing from God himself saying, “Thou shalt not kill.”  Guilt?  Maybe a little bit.  Thank goodness for Grace.  That unmerited favor that we receive because we’re God’s children. 

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Clean sheets on the clotheslinePastel colored Easter eggsBaby chick’s at the farm storeButtercups blooming New beginningsFresh startsResurrection momentsMiracles What do you see in Spring? “For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.” Song of Solomon 2:11-12 ESV

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Victory doesn’t happen when we get what we want.  It happens when we don’t get what we want, and we still hang in there and do what God wants us to do. Start a faith walk…don’t ask God to bless your own plans; instead, entrust your problems, failures and weaknesses to God.  Victory comes from a path of multiple failures then a growth spurt nourished by a complete reliance on God.  Start walking. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

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Look up

“Sorrow looks down; Worry looks around; Faith looks up.” Where are you looking? I lift up my eyes to the hills– where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1

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If you would like to tell your story, you can send it to us here and we will review your story, get in touch with you about it, and add it here so others can see how you are living your life to hear those six words “Well done good and faithful servant.”