Read Our Stories

Make New Year’s Day Any Day

I’ve never been great at New Year’s Resolutions.  I’m more of a “If you’ve got to change something don’t wait for a date to start.  If it’s something that’s gonna be painful and crappy, get it over with as soon as possible.” kinda gal.  Does that mean I’ve accomplished a ton of big goals? No.  It just means I’ve had years of experience making bad decisions, realizing them, and working at reversing them.  Like exercising.  I used to love going to my exercise group.  Three times a week faithfully.  Then Covid. No classes.  It got easier and easier to stay

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Two Kids on a Road Trip

I think of Mary.  Traveling around ninety miles nine months pregnant on a donkey, no room in the inn, going into labor without any other family around.  It would be a fearful, painful, ankle-swelling, exhausting experience.  No family.  No doctor. No sterile environment.  No other options. Just her and Joseph. He was a good man.  Caring for Mary, Joseph found shelter, and became both doctor and dad in one night.  I’m sure he was afraid too, but these two kids brought the Savior and King of our World into the world all alone that night in Bethlehem.  I think that’s

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What Are You Saying?

You have a choice every day to lift or divide.  That sounds like a bra commercial, doesn’t it?  Ha! I’m sure you’ve been in the isle of the grocery store, at the mall, or pumping gas at the station and heard them.  People who are speaking to each other with no respect, no love, willfully putting each other down, making sure their “last words” are hurtful.  This intentional negative speaking is a choice and undermines our society.  We see it daily through media as well.  We have such power with our words.  Power to lift up, or power to divide. 

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Grab a Notepad

I was visiting with a friend yesterday and she said she keeps a notepad next to her bed so when she has an “AHA” moment in the middle of the night she can write down her idea before she forgets it.  I absolutely understand her plight of the “short-term memory”.  I was trying to remember her daughters name before we went to lunch and as soon as it came to me, I lost it again.  I called my husband to see if he could remember and no luck; but he did give me a hint…he thought it had something to

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Managing Your Clock

Seven months ago I started a daily devotion by Beth Moore called Jesus 90 days with The One and Only.  (I’m pretty sure you know where this is going!) Today I’m reading day 31.  Anyone feel me?  I’m great out of the gate but by the middle of the race I’ve decided to go out to lunch and get back to the race again after I’ve eaten and rested a while.  It’s obvious that I’m not alone in this problem….used book stores and thrift shops are full of Bible studies that have the first session filled out and the rest

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Tell Your Story

If you would like to tell your story, you can send it to us here and we will review your story, get in touch with you about it, and add it here so others can see how you are living your life to hear those six words “Well done good and faithful servant.”