Read Our Stories

The Thanksgiving Choice

Last year November 7th I got Covid.  There was no vaccination yet.  It was no cakewalk, but it wasn’t anywhere as bad as others have expressed to me when they described their symptoms. I lost my sense of taste and smell but I was back to work by November 17th.  Because I had Covid, one of my family members who was coming over for Thanksgiving chose not to come.  I get it.  We knew little about Covid then and I certainly didn’t want anyone feeling they would be at risk if they came to my home for a meal….until.  On

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Do You See the Swan?

I just spent a few days with a friend that moved to Myrtle Beach.  She lives in a beautiful community that has a lovely walkway through a manicured park with a pond.  We walked her dog Winston one evening when it was getting dark.  Stopping at the pond she said, “Do you see the swan at the back of the pond?” I looked but didn’t see anything.  She started talking to the swan. I strained my eyes and kept trying to see the imaginary swan, but nothing.  I didn’t see it.  It didn’t stop her from talking to it though. 

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Your Deepest Fear

What is your deepest fear?  I have a fear of heights.  I remember when the kids were little one of their toys landed on the roof of our one-story house while my husband wasn’t home.  I grabbed the ladder and got up on the roof, got the toy and threw it down but then looking down at the ground I froze.  Every time I looked down, I got light-headed. I must have sat on that roof for at least an hour with my kids encouraging me to come down before I mustered the courage to get back to the edge

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Don’t Wait For A Crisis

I read today that sales of Bibles rose during the coronavirus.  Seems a global pandemic spiked questions that couldn’t be answered by people.  Understandable. We all need encouragement, strength, and peace.  Do you have a Bible? I’ve had several Bibles over the years.  Several different versions: study Bibles, reference Bibles, commentary Bibles, even note-taking Bibles.  I’m one that highlights scripture, underlines, and takes notes in my Bible.  When I see someone has a spiritual crisis or I know they don’t have a Bible of their own, I give my Bible to them in hopes that the area’s I’ve highlighted for

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The Interview

What if the only way into Heaven was through an interview process after you die?  You have three interviews…one with Jesus, one with the Holy Spirit and one with God.  Jesus will interview you on your faith and compassion, the Holy Spirit will interview you on your Spirit and God will interview you on your actions.  Yikes!  I have shivers even thinking about that!  Heaven would be pretty slim on angels that’s for sure!  Thankfully, that’s not the way into Heaven.  Belief in Jesus. Acceptance. Repentance.  That day when I am finally called home to Heaven I’m not going to

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Tell Your Story

If you would like to tell your story, you can send it to us here and we will review your story, get in touch with you about it, and add it here so others can see how you are living your life to hear those six words “Well done good and faithful servant.”