Read Our Stories

See The Need

I’m the polyester/spandex type (machine wash warm…tumble dry low…but stretchy). I love to watch the sunset from our lake house but hate to wash the windows to make my view clearer. I’ll curl up on the couch with grandma’s afghan and watch Hallmark movies with you. I love church, coffee and dark chocolate (the last two probably a bit too much). My family and God are at the center of my heart and my life. Definitely dogs over cats (sorry cat lovers). My pet peeve is cold French fries from the drive-thru and not finding out until your three blocks

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Your son is coming home from Thanksgiving for college. He has a new roommate from another country. This young man has no place to go for Thanksgiving and your son asks if he could come home with him. Of course, you say yes, but how do you act? You are gracious to his face, but do you complain that you don’t just have your son to yourself? Do you grumble about the extra mouth to feed? Are you judgmental of his culture? Maybe you’re suspicious of his closeness to your son…what could he really be wanting from our family? That’s

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Read The Word

The Bible is the living word of God. Three things happen when you read this book. #1. You gain a general understanding of the life and times of the day when it was written. Interestingly enough many of these issues are still in play today. Apply them to your life. True…we don’t hear of people being thrown to the lions or swallowed by giant fish but we can understand standing for what you believe in and willful disobedience. #2. You get to learn about Jesus. Walk with him along the dirt roads and sit with him as he preaches. Watch

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It’s Painful

No one likes pain. We don’t want to go through painful situations-divorce, financial problems, illness, loss. We have a tendency to expect God to just take the pain…“fix” it. Pray certainly….pray without ceasing….the bible tells us that in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. But while you’re in the middle of the soup—no matter what that pain is from, remember Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before he was taken away. He was praying to his dad to take that pain away too. (read Luke 22:42) I’m thankful God didn’t “fix” the situation. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m in no way

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Start a Conversation

One of the primary purposes for Living To Hear Six is to start a conversation. That’s why there are no Christian symbols (cross or fish) on anything. The purpose is to have someone ask…”What does that mean?” It’s the “in” to a conversation that most people desperately want to have but are afraid to ask. The response needs to be loving and accepting, not preachy or condemning. This is your opportunity to tell a stranger about the love of Jesus. If you focus on Jesus the response will be loving. If you focus on your egos perception of Christianity and

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Tell Your Story

If you would like to tell your story, you can send it to us here and we will review your story, get in touch with you about it, and add it here so others can see how you are living your life to hear those six words “Well done good and faithful servant.”