Last year November 7th I got Covid.  There was no vaccination yet.  It was no cakewalk, but it wasn’t anywhere as bad as others have expressed to me when they described their symptoms. I lost my sense of taste and smell but I was back to work by November 17th.  Because I had Covid, one of my family members who was coming over for Thanksgiving chose not to come.  I get it.  We knew little about Covid then and I certainly didn’t want anyone feeling they would be at risk if they came to my home for a meal….until.  On my way home from work I found out that same week I went back to work they were on vacation eating out at restaurants and staying in hotels.  What the !@%%$#@!@ ???  The hypocrisy was so thick I needed hip waders to walk from my car to the house!  I was mad! 

After a few days of ranting to my husband and kids about it…I finally decided to give my hurt over to God and let Him deal with it.  I’m 100% positive they didn’t have a clue how hypocritical they were acting, and their fear was greater than their grace.  Thanksgiving was a wonderful day after all.   Full of food, family and friends (with a couple fewer than anticipated). 

My point?  Don’t let anyone else affect your happiness, your thankfulness, your peace this Thanksgiving.  Let the drama go.  Enjoy what is in front of you today….be thankful for that!!!

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.