My hubby Layne and I live in a hollow in Tennessee in an old log home dating back to the 1800’s.  It’s been updated, so yes, I have indoor plumbing, but it’s still very rustic and casual.  I like to say the only pets we have are the dust bunnies that live here year around. 

At least until today when a groundhog decided to move into my crawlspace.  I looked out the back door and saw him reclining on my back steps, so I ran outside to kindly tell at him to go hang out somewhere else and that’s when I saw him run between the stones around my foundation and into my crawlspace.  I thought, “how rude!’  Squatting in my home without so much as a “Pretty please.” 

I know how much damage critters in your house can cause.  The gal who used to live here before us had Sugar Gliders (which look like mice with big eyes but they’re a type of flying squirrel).  She used to feed them by hand on the back porch and let them roam free through the house.  One night we came home from a late church service and turned on the kitchen ceiling fan and light and one flew right off the fan blade and across the room at us!  It scared the beegeebers out of me!!  They didn’t last too long here though because my trusty Shih tzu Romeo thought they were big fun and chased them outside any time he saw one of them.  Unfortunately, Romeo is no longer with us, so the groundhog is up to me to relocate.

What areas of your life need to be removed or relocated? 

Evaluate where your priorities are and relocate anything that takes you away from your walk with Jesus.