What is your deepest fear?  I have a fear of heights.  I remember when the kids were little one of their toys landed on the roof of our one-story house while my husband wasn’t home.  I grabbed the ladder and got up on the roof, got the toy and threw it down but then looking down at the ground I froze.  Every time I looked down, I got light-headed. I must have sat on that roof for at least an hour with my kids encouraging me to come down before I mustered the courage to get back to the edge of the roof, turn around on that ladder and come down!  That was over 30 years ago, and I can remember it like it was yesterday.  Fear seems very real at the time and can be crippling.  God knows this.  The Bible speaks of fear over 300 times.  I’ve read a lot about faith over fear but in that moment of white-knuckling fear, I was not reciting Bible verses in my head.  I was paralyzed….stuck.  This is exactly where the enemy (Satan) want us.  Afraid.  Fearful.  Stuck.  Yes, I was stuck…but I did eventually get down from that roof.

What is your deepest fear?  How can you work today on getting “unstuck”?

Let me just say, you won’t get me on the edge of a roof again on purpose, but if I find myself on the edge of a roof, I hope it will only takes me 30 minutes to muster the courage to get on the ladder!   

“Don’t be afraid for I am with you.   Don’t be discouraged for I am your God.   I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”    Isaiah 41:10 NIV